At the cash register

Can the type of payment help you safe money?

Credit card-swipe and pay later.
#1-you overspend because you worry about it later. thinking you will just return it. (reality: it ends up being too much effort)
#2-the money accumulates and end of the month, what?!??! $7689!

Best to use:
Cash-pay now.
Why it's the best? The fact that you reach for the bills and count them one by one will make you realize mentally how much you're giving out for the purchase. Oops, $20 gone. another $20 gone. $10 gone. two $5 gone. How many bills are left?

Try one month of just using cash.
Try one month of just using credit card.

Compare and you be the judge.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

wrong way to ask stranger out

So I was in the soy sauce section in the supermarket, (thank god my mom was at another isle somewhere) minding my own business, searching for that item I have pictured in mind.

Random asian guy comes up next to me.

 I didn't even notice him until he said, "Hey whats up?"
I took a look at him, thought he was being friendly. "Hey. Not much."
Right away w/ no hesitation, already planned out, he said, "So you wanna hang out sometime?"
Never had anyone approach me like that. rly? seriously? wow. i said, "nah." 

then he just walked away without another word. 

This all happened in 15 seconds. THAT was a weird and awkward moment of my day. How much more sketchy and creepy can you get? Has certain guys get so desperate and unoriginal? I want to go inside his head and literally try to step in his shoe and understand what he had in mind. Would any girl fall for that? 
The reason that I was in the chinese supermarket today with my mom was bcs....
We made SUSHI for! yummmm. All types of varieties of sushi (all w/ cooked things cuz i hate raw meat) and Vietnamese noodle rolls. yummm. 

1 comment:

  1. pass by :)
    The sushi photos make me feel hungry!
