At the cash register

Can the type of payment help you safe money?

Credit card-swipe and pay later.
#1-you overspend because you worry about it later. thinking you will just return it. (reality: it ends up being too much effort)
#2-the money accumulates and end of the month, what?!??! $7689!

Best to use:
Cash-pay now.
Why it's the best? The fact that you reach for the bills and count them one by one will make you realize mentally how much you're giving out for the purchase. Oops, $20 gone. another $20 gone. $10 gone. two $5 gone. How many bills are left?

Try one month of just using cash.
Try one month of just using credit card.

Compare and you be the judge.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

fav: Mac pigment dupe (coastalscents mica powder)

Left: Metallic Pearl Honey Tan (peachy shimmer)

2nd column-top to bottom: 
Duocrome green, Emerald Isle, Antique gold

3rd column-top to bottom:
purple punch Glitter powder, Crystal ice, Paradise Star Gold, Cellini Blue

Mac pigments are around $19.50 for 0.15 oz. 
Those huge 1 oz jars are only around $4-6!. (mica fills out around 1/2 of the jar so around 0.5 oz of product!)

Sample ones are 4 ml-0.135 oz. (i dumped the sample ones from baggies to small containers)
They are only $1!!!!!!! Now, don't tell me that that is not a good deal. HELLO.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

hair removal: hits & misses

In here, I tell you a little bit about all the hair removal methods/tools i know. then their pros and cons, and then my little opinion blurb about it. enjoy!!!

epilator: small tweezers that rotates and pulls hair out from the root as if you were tweezing out every hair w/ a tweezer
-long lasting bcs its pulled from the root
-if you can handle tweezing, you can handle this (try tweezing one hair and see how much it hurt)
-once you get use to it, it's a piece of cake
-not messy/easy to clean
-first few times, yea feels like pinches (think about all that hair tweezed out at once)
-big investment $$$ (can range from $20-$200)
-some need an outlet to plug into for power (don't recommend battery-operated ones)
my opinions: I've just got into this. If you invest in one, then invest in a good one, or else why bother. the emjoi emagine is awesome! leg hair hurts like hell, but im sure it'll hurt less later on thru persistency. I'm fine with the armpit now, love it for armpit hair! (shaving sucks!)

Shaving: traditional & common way that removes hair from surface
-fast and quick
-painless (except if u get razor cuts-ouch!)
-grows back within 1-2 days
-possible razor cuts and ingrown hairs and bumps
rumors: hair grows back thicker or darker (seems that way bcs when it grows out, the tip is
my opinions: don't need 
to shave anymore. (use other better alternatives)

Sugar waxing: just like normal waxing except with sugar. 
-all the pro wax has
-easy to clean up (rinsable w/water)
-same with normal waxing

wax: smoothed over over area,  grabs the hair & pulled from the root. 
-pulls hair from the root (longer lasting; 1 week or more)
-good for large areas and small areas
-OUCH!@#$$^%&^ (i can't stand it)
-can be messy/sticky/hard to manage
-hot wax may burn skin

my opinions: hurts like hell. never want to ever ever wax ever again. yea no. that's the end of that for me. 

Threading: using the twisting of the thread to grasp the hair in the twisted intersection of the thread. (very much like tweezing)
-same as tweezing
-control, gentle, and easy to find tool (everyone should have thread somewhere in their house :)
-good for small areas (recommended for eyebrows)
-time consuming for other areas
-need practice to be accurate and perfect

my opinions: i prefer tweezing over threading just because i'm better at tweezing. threading is just as fun and useful. 
(hair removal=fun? im weird)

Tweezing/plucking: using a tweezer to yank out each individual hair one by one from the root

-you have the control over it 
-great for small areas for precision & accuracy (popular one: eyebrows) 
-time consuming (think how many hairs you are removing!)
-hair must be long enough to
 be grasped by the tweezers

my opinions: only recommend if there's few hairs to be removed. like eyebrows. PERFECT for eyebrows!

Smooth Away hair removal: using a sandpaper like textured pad to loosing the hair follicle and removes hair from surface
-easy to manage; easy to remove hair; 
-IT ACTUALLY WORKS! not a scam 
-just like shaving but doesn't involve water/razor/cream
-no cuts or accidents can happen (do it lightly)
-buffs out dead skin cells, making skin silky soft!!!!!
-a little expensive and product is not long lasting 
2 applicators+5 small pads+5 large pads=$9.99; solution: ebay-search for cheaper alternatives
-don't give up if first few times doesn't work! you'll love it once you get the hang out it
my opinions: this is currently what i use for my legs. great alternative to shaving. no pain involved at all like wax etc. love it to a certain extent. love that it makes my skin smooth after using it but wished that it was longer lasting. 

Bleach: not really hair removal; making hair color lighter so it's less noticeable
-no removal involved (yay! no pain)
-as long as others can't see it, why bother hair removal?
-hair is still there (will be visible if looked closely)
-be careful with the chemicals (sometimes accidents can occur if you have darker skin-don't bleach your skin color!)
my opinions: great for people w/ fair skin types so even when it is seen, the light colored hair isn't a surprise. i personally just prefer with hair removal methods.

epicare: a coiled-like wire that is used by bending it and twisting it inward to remove hair from the root.
-pain-free (at least very little tiny pain)
-works for even the tiniest and thiniest hair 
-can do it for fun and don't have to be p
aying attention to it while using it
- only great for certain small areas and short hair (won't work for long hair)
my opinions: I use this for upper lips and certain places on my face if i have h
air there. I feel like it's perfect for that. Don't work too well w/ eyebrow, bcs lack of control and accuracy. Doesn't work for long hair etc. 

Laser hair removal: using the technology of laser treatments to zap skin, to targeting melanine (the dark matter involved in hair)
-if successful, no more unwanted hair!
(even though that's the only pro, it's a big one!)
-many treatments needed; 
-can be costly
-may/may not be successful depending on each individual basis
my opinions: unwanted hair is something everyone has to deal with from beginning of life to the very end, so this can be an investment but if successful, it's definitely worth it. I seriously considered this for th
e future when I'm older, but rethinking it. 

Electrolysis: permanent hair removal by using a device by professionals that not only destroy the unwanted hair but also the hair follicle that produce the hair. 

-no more unwanted hair (woohoo!)

-again, can be costly and expensive
-can hurt like hell! (not just laser like rubber bands flinging on you skin, but a pinprick sensation)
-can cause scarring and skin discoloration

my opinions: you have to weigh out your cons and pros, ya know? for me, i know that i cannot stand pinpricking sensation for a long time and through multiple session. (again, persistency plays a role here)