At the cash register

Can the type of payment help you safe money?

Credit card-swipe and pay later.
#1-you overspend because you worry about it later. thinking you will just return it. (reality: it ends up being too much effort)
#2-the money accumulates and end of the month, what?!??! $7689!

Best to use:
Cash-pay now.
Why it's the best? The fact that you reach for the bills and count them one by one will make you realize mentally how much you're giving out for the purchase. Oops, $20 gone. another $20 gone. $10 gone. two $5 gone. How many bills are left?

Try one month of just using cash.
Try one month of just using credit card.

Compare and you be the judge.

Friday, June 4, 2010

18 yr old girl dont need this crap from bf

6/4/10 (well 1:51 am so technically 6/5)

yesterday, holy crap! chillin' w/ friends at *Carlo's house (1 am) about to watch Triangle. *Amy is having issues w/ her bf who cheated on her 2x. it's bothering every1 and we all kno dat they dont match cuz she deserves better but she always ends up going back for him. amy's bf is pissed cuz she didnt call back and claims that she's cheating on him? it get so out of hand that he actually came over to carlo's house that late to like hunt her down to return all the stuff that she gave him. rly? can college guys be anymore mature than that? 

next thing u know, amy's standing next to the window of his car, trying to calm him down. we see all those stuff she gave him all thrown on the sidewalk that we picked up. his voice gets louder and louder. 

"amy, just get in the car"i said to her. all of us got into Paula's car, including amy. her psycho bf backs up his car to where *paula's car is, gets of the car to get amy. he freakin punches and kicks the car, yelling at amy as we drove away. 

lost him bcs of the red light or else, i don't even know what could have happened. 

worst thing is: Carlo's parents saw everything from inside, called the cops. but since we weren't there long, the cops thing wasn't a big issue, they didnt eventually come. 

2nd worst thing is: Paula and amy's bf are cousins. paula's gotta explain things clear to her mom about the dent in the car. carlo now have a 12 am curfew & amy is basically banned from his house. o man. crazy night. 

please amy, just break up with him. so not worth it to deal w/ a guy who doesn't treat u with respect and no trust. amy-not at all a cheating type, such a goody goody, always tryin to be the bigger and righteous one. this is the 3rd time you guys tried, if it's not working. it's not working! relationships shouldnt be this hard. if it is (at this stage?) what about when u guys get even more serious? c'mon we're still 18 here, way too much for a girl to handle. 

*note: all names are changed for privacy purposes.*


i hve to admit, i've been thru a similar cycle and it's def. not healthy in a relationship to deal with screams and yellings in public by a guy. i hate to say it but the anger comes out so much bcs the guy loves u so much that it's gotten to the pt of unhealthiness. whatever reason chris beat rihanna, hey at least there was love there. not saying that was right but anger did derive from love, it's just too much of anything is never healthy. even love. 

senior yr has been water just seeping thru my fingers. not sure if i want to hold on and stop the clock or to fast forward to college. before u kno it, there will be no water left running thru your fingers. changes aren't easy but im sure it will be fine. 

i've been so out of it. never been lazier in my life. all i wanna do is just chillax and be laid back. there's no more late nights doing proj, not one min of fuzzling over that complicated derivative problem, and in fact, even signing muchos muchos yr books seem like more writing than i've done in such a long time. it's time to move on to the college stage of my life and start fresh. but how fresh can it be? will i be a new "me"? how much different of me will i be in college?

graduation on sunday! and diaaaammmm ABRSM grade 8 piano exam! just the thought of it gives me a headache. not so much confidence in this one than all the other exams in the past. 

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