At the cash register

Can the type of payment help you safe money?

Credit card-swipe and pay later.
#1-you overspend because you worry about it later. thinking you will just return it. (reality: it ends up being too much effort)
#2-the money accumulates and end of the month, what?!??! $7689!

Best to use:
Cash-pay now.
Why it's the best? The fact that you reach for the bills and count them one by one will make you realize mentally how much you're giving out for the purchase. Oops, $20 gone. another $20 gone. $10 gone. two $5 gone. How many bills are left?

Try one month of just using cash.
Try one month of just using credit card.

Compare and you be the judge.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

a new years midnight/morning skype

a complicated friendship/relationship was followed by an intense conversation then making up...

A girl cannot wish for more from a guy than a touching prayer to realize how much he loves her.

[1/1/11 3:59:17 AM]

dear god

i speak to you tonight with my mind and my heart in this new year 2011...

everyday that continues on from this year forth will be memorable with her...she has not just given me a new way to see the world but gave me something i never had, something i always wanted for 18 years, love. Love that you speak of is and should be within everyone, and finally i have obtained it through, from, and for of her...

i shall not give up so easily without a fight or allow us to fall apart because of any small situations that will overcome us in the following time to come. And with your guidance and knowledge, guide us a way to obtain this. With your aid, my connection with her shall never be lost.

i believe that you can help to provide the needs in our time together. Nothing will break us apart so easily because your hand will hold us together. God, this year is the year that I and this girl will be together with our hearts intertwined today (on the first day of 2011) and everyday that moves on forth this year will our hands hold tighter with each other.

and God, tonight is the night that i realized a few things. these few things that we realize shall not impact our bond, because our bond cannot be broken, for it is like the metal rod that cannot be cut by scissors. God, from all this time that i have been with her, i realize more and more how much i appreciate her so that that i never want to forget or loose what i have with her because of any difficulty or hardship that might come in our way. Nothing shall destroy this. Nothing will ever break our love for one another and separate us. In god's name, Amen.

*lightly edited for grammar and audience purpose*

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